MLK Day Message From Mayor Whitfield

January 12, 2024

"As we approach Martin Luther King Jr.'s federal holiday on Monday, January 15, 2024, the nation honors the life of one of the most influential civil rights leaders. Dr. King gave endlessly by leading a non-violent crusade against racist segregation policies. 

This holiday is always on the third Monday of January, but this year is an exception. We will be celebrating his actual birthday.  As we come together to build a Beloved Community through unity, service, and transformation, I continue to ask: “Are you ready to serve?” 

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others?”                

-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Monday, January 15th, is a day of service, not a day off. Try to do something for your neighbors, family, and friends; whether it’s a smile, a call, or removing snow! Let’s strive to unite our city’s neighborhoods on a day that means so much to our nation."

- Mayor Deborah Whitfield




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