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"We Love Blue"
Published Aug 16, 2016
Recent turmoil surrounding police forces nationwide led Indianapolis sailboat captain, Todd Bracken, to create an opportunity demonstrating his support for local police officers. Bracken, who owns Indianapolis-based Dauntless Sailing School, has spent the last year refurbishing the sailing school's flagship sailboat, Dauntless. The boat is now ready to launch and Bracken is dedicating the sailboat's maiden sailing cruise to local police departments. "Every day police officers risk their lives to make sure our community is safe," said Bracken. "I cannot think of a better way to christen our new and improved flagship sailboat than by donating Dauntless' first public sailing cruise to men and women in uniform. My hope is the cruise will allow officers to understand how much the community appreciates their dedication to our city and provide them an opportunity to enjoy a relaxing day on the water."
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