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Indiana has a rich history of Black Men and Women
February 17, 2023

“KNOWING that I am a child of God, is my FIRST identity, and the one that trumps all other “identities” — child, sibling, wife, mother, friend, Black. Being in relationship with others lets me know that I’m never, ever alone; and that means the world to me. I’m born and raised in Indianapolis, IN. Indiana has a rich history of Black Men and Women; from Major Taylor and Madam C.J. Walker to Scatman Crothers, Mike Epps and Michael Jackson, all of whom have impacted our great state and nation. Their tenacity and steadfastness to press forward against all oppression is encouraging, and reminds me of the strong, tenacious and RICH history of a people that I originate from. We were Kings & Queens in our native land — Africa, and I love, love, love all our naturally occurring rich shades of melanin.
Family has always been of VITAL importance in Black communities. Gathering around the table with family and friends to partake of food, fellowship and fun are priceless, and they are the very same values that were passed down to me from my parents, and that I’ve passed on to my offspring. Work and being responsible are equally important, and character traits. Both my late father and husband of 40 years have masterfully carried out. Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Mister.
Celebrating others is a good thing. Indiana's Black history makers, you have made me PROUD to be…” - Jacqueline Wheat, Owner of YUMMY! LLC
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