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DRONEDEK Corporation Chooses Lawrence for New Company Headquarters
March 16, 2021

Lawrence, IN – Mayor Steve Collier announced the formal completion of an agreement between DRONEDEK and the City of Lawrence that will see the tech start-up establish their company headquarters at 4423 Shadeland Avenue. “The innovative technology of DRONEDEK’s delivery system will create a new high-tech convenience for our entire community. I am very excited about what they will bring to the City of Lawrence!” – Mayor Steve Collier.
DRONEDEK’S CEO and Founder Dan O’Toole, echoed the mayor’s enthusiasm. “DRONEDEK’s HQ need was for a centrally located facility, in a proactively engaging community, whereby we can grow and contribute to a strong tech foundation,” O’Toole said. “Lawrence checked all those boxes for us, and then some. We’re eager to get started.”
DRONEDEK holds the first US utility patent in drone package receiving and storage, beating out the likes of Amazon, the United States Postal Service and others. DRONEDEK intends to use their design for a smart, secured drone receptacle to bring package delivery into the 21st century.
DRONEDEK plans to fully redevelop the vacant building located at 4423 Shadeland Avenue to serve as their new global headquarters. Upgrades to the site will include new landscaping, major façade upgrades, new signage, electrical improvement, added security measures and more.
Their planned upgrades will bring new life to a building that has gone unused and neglected for years. In addition to their large capital investment in building repairs, DRONEDEK intends to create up to 85 new, high paying jobs over the next 5 years.
This agreement marks another addition to the growing list of technology companies that call Lawrence home. In 2020, the Fort Ben Tech Campus / City of Lawrence won the Rising Tech City Award from TechPoint. This honor is awarded to the Indiana city that has most successfully developed a place where diverse, tech-skilled people want to live.
“DRONDEK’s selection of the City of Lawrence for the development of its new corporate headquarters, particularly understanding the implications of its technology to shape the face of logistics operations going forward, serves as another validation that Lawrence is a great place for technology companies to locate and operate. We are humbled by the commitments and support of the City’s initiatives DRONEDEK has made to date, and look forward to continued great partnership to insure their Company’s success” – Economic Development Director Dan Zuerner.
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