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Lawrence Utilities Water Boil Update

March 15, 2025

Lawrence, IN – March 15, 2025 – The City of Lawrence continues to manage a boil water advisory following a water main break at the Fort Harrison Water Treatment Plant. The advisory, which was issued earlier today, remains in effect as a precautionary measure while the City works to ensure the safety of its water supply.


Update on Water Supply and Treatment
In response to the break at the Fort Harrison Water Treatment Plant, the City is using water supply from the Indian Lake and Richardt Water Treatment Plants.


Boil Water Advisory Remains in Effect
A boil water advisory remains in place until further notice. The advisory is expected to be lifted late Tuesday, March 18, or early Wednesday, March 19, after necessary safety tests are completed to ensure water quality.

Residents are advised to boil water for at least 5 minutes before consuming it, including for drinking, cooking, brushing teeth, or preparing food. The City is working closely with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) to monitor the situation.


What to Do During a Boil Water Advisory
The City of Lawrence encourages residents to follow CDC guidelines during the boil water advisory. Here are some key tips for residents:

  • Boiling Water: If commercially bottled water is not available, bring tap water to a full rolling boil. Let the water cool before using it to avoid burns.
  • Drinking and Cooking: Use commercially bottled water or boiled water for drinking and preparing food. If formula feeding, use ready-to-use formula if possible.
  • Handwashing: You can wash hands with soap and tap water during a boil water advisory.
  • Bathing and Showering: Be cautious not to swallow water. For babies or young children, consider using a sponge bath to reduce the chance of swallowing water.
  • Brushing Teeth: Brush teeth using boiled or commercially bottled water. Avoid using tap water that has not been boiled.
  • Washing Dishes: Dishwashers with a sanitizing cycle are generally safe.
  • Laundry: It is safe to wash clothes as usual.
  • Cleaning and Pets: Clean surfaces, toys, and dishes with boiled or bottled water. Provide pets with boiled or bottled water, as they can also be affected by contaminated water.
  • Gardens and Houseplants: Tap water can be used for gardens and houseplants, including those you eat from.


Contact Information
For any questions, residents can contact the Lawrence Utilities Customer Service Center at 317-542-0511. Updates will continue to be provided as testing progresses and the situation is resolved.


About the City of Lawrence Utilities
The City of Lawrence is committed to providing reliable and safe utility services to its residents. Our team works tirelessly to ensure that all systems are functioning properly and that public health is safeguarded at all times.