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Marion County Moving to the Next Phase of Reopening Indianapolis Economy
May 13, 2020
Mayor Joe Hogsett, Marion County Public Health Department Announce Next Phase of Reopening Indianapolis Economy
Portions of Phase 2 to begin May 15 as data suggests slowing of COVID-19 spread
INDIANAPOLIS – Today Mayor Joe Hogsett and Dr. Virginia Caine of the Marion County Public Health Department announced that Marion County begin implementing the next phase of reopening the Indianapolis economy starting on Friday, May 15. Many restrictions will remain in place, with additional changes possible as soon as June 1. The move is grounded in public health data that includes a sustained reduction in the percentage of positive tests and sufficient capacity in the healthcare system to handle additional cases.
Mayor Hogsett and Dr. Caine announced the following steps:
- On May 15 limits on public gatherings, including religious services, will be increased to 25 people or fewer.
- Non-essential retail stores, including those at malls, may reopen at 50 percent capacity with social distancing.
- Indianapolis Public Library branches may begin providing curbside pickup only.
- Beginning May 22, restaurants may open for outdoor seating with strict social distancing guidelines. Indoor seating at 50 percent is possible as soon as June 1.
- Salons and other personal services are targeted for June 1 reopening with social distancing, if data allows.
- Non-essential manufacturing and industrial activities is also targeted for June 1.
“Until there’s a vaccine, we cannot completely stop the spread of COVID-19, but based on the hard work of the Marion County Public Health Department – and each and every resident of our city – we are more confident than ever that we can manage this outbreak and adopt policies that protect our most vulnerable populations, while slowly reopening sectors of our local economy,” said Mayor Hogsett.
Mayor Hogsett and Dr. Caine also announced measures to help residents and businesses participate in the reopening. This includes providing access to free face coverings for all Marion County residents and a $5 million grant program with the Indy Chamber that will provide reimbursements of up to $5,000 in qualified PPE expenses for small businesses. Further details on both programs will be made available soon. Businesses interested in PPE reimbursement can go to www.response.indychamber.com/restart to sign up to receive updates. Restaurants wanting to connect with the city to explore opportunities for additional outdoor seating space can visit indy.gov/dineout.
Residents and affected workers impacted by COVID-19 restrictions should visit the city’s resource guide, which can be viewed at http://www.indy.gov/covid. Spanish speaking residents can view the Resource Guide here. Individuals who are unable to navigate the city’s website can call 317-327-4MAC between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to talk to a customer service representative.
A few additional notes:
- A copy of the Marion County Public Health Department’s public health orders here:http://marionhealth.org/homeslider/latest-on-coronavirus/
- Dr. Caine’s full presentation is attached, as well as two flyers – one focused on residents and one for businesses.
- If you have additional questions about Dr. Caine’s presentation, please contact Curt Brantingham at the Marion County Public Health Department. His email is: cbrantingham@hhcorp.org
- This morning’s press conference can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/6ooh24tA5hM
- 20200513 COVID update phase 2 final release.pdf
- COVID - Phase 2 - Marion County - 5-13-2020.pdf
- General Poster 5-13-2020.pdf
- Business Poster 5-13-2020.pdf
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