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Report drainage problems in updated system
August 9, 2016
The City of Lawrence Department of Public Works has added a form to the city website that will be vital to many residents. If you need to report an issue like flooding, drainage issues, or other stormwater issues you may be experiencing at your property, please visit http://www.cityoflawrence.org/public-works.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Stormwater Drainage Complaint Form.”Please be as descriptive as possible when filling out the form,”said DPW DirectorWilliam Anthony. Pictures of drainage issues may also be sent to WesslerStormH2O@gmail.com in conjunction with submitting a drainage complaint form. “Any historical or factual information you may have will assist the City of Lawrence in identifying problem areas within the City and developing a plan to resolve the issue,” Anthony added.
Common Stormwater drainage solutions that may be undertaken by a citizen:
- Remove debris, leaves and trash that may be clogging a pipe,storm in let grate or catch basin
- Maintain a ditch or swale by mowing grass and keeping them free of debris
- Minor repairs or maintenance to a culvert or pipe to restore its original capacity
- Work with neighbors to clear brush, debris and other blockages from neighborhood creeks and ditches
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Phone: (317) 545-6191
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Utilities: (317) 542-0511
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9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511