Association Registration

Association Registration

Are you registering an HOA or NA?
Please enter the organization name.
Which Lawrence neighborhood does your organization reside?

Which Neighborhood am I located in?

Please describe the land boundaries of your organization using roads as reference points for the North, South, East, and West boundaries.
Please enter the name of the president of your organization.
Please enter the phone number of the president of your organization.
Please enter the email of the president of your organization.
Board Members
Please enter the names of your organization's board members. It is important for the city administration to have local board members' contact information to discuss opportunities as they arise. Without this information, your organization may miss future opportunities.
Board Member 1
Please enter the phone number for your organization.
Please enter the address of your organization.
Please enter the city of your organization.
Please select the state of your organization.
Please enter the zip code of your organization.
Please enter the website for your organization.
Bylaws & Documents
Attach your bylaws and organization documents here. This is for administration review only. These will not be visible on the public registry. Maximum of 10 files.
Document 1