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Anti-Litter Program
Lawrence is Beautiful

Lawrence is a city where residents, schools and businesses unite in its appreciation for the excellent location and strength of community. With great people, great schools, and strong economic development, there is so much to be proud of, but like many communities across America, litter can be found along our city streets and local waterways.
As citizens of this great city, it is our responsibility to do our part. Together we can show how much we value all the amenities Lawrence has to offer. By inspiring responsible choices, encouraging everyone to make a difference, and making it convenient for all to assist, our community can tackle its litter problem. Lawrence is beautiful! Together we can keep it that way.
- Eliminate existing litter
- Engage partners
- Educate the community and promote litter prevention
- Ensure infrastructure is in place to support ongoing sustainability
- Enforce litter laws
11 Ways YOU can make an IMPACT!
- Keep a reusable bag in your car for your food wrappers, carryout containers, or other trash, and throw it out at home or find an appropriate trash receptacle. If on a walk, carry trash with you until you locate a trash can.
- Bag all loose trash in 10- to 15- gallon bags before placing in your trash cart and be sure to cover your trash and recycling bins when you take them to the curb.
- If you sweep the sidewalk in front of your home, don’t sweep the litter into the street. It won’t be picked up. Bag it and throw it in a trash can.
- Utilize heavy trash pickup days in your neighborhood. If you need to haul junk in the back of a truck, cover it up.
- Properly dispose of yard waste. The City of Lawrence will pickup 10 extra bags per month in Spring and Fall.
- Please dispose of cigarette butts properly. They are the #1 most littered item in the country.
- Utilize the County’s ToxDrop locations for household hazardous waste disposal and electronics recycling
- Live the reduce-reuse-recycle lifestyle. Ask for less packaging. Shun single-use plastics. Make items last for as long as possible and buy used whenever possible. Recycle all you can. Familiarize yourself with the list of acceptable recycling items.
- Carry trash with you until you locate a trash can
- Pick up one piece of trash every time you talk a walk. A little bit goes a long way in reducing litter.
- Organize or join a local clean-up effort. From scout troops to service clubs, businesses to neighborhoods, everyone doing their part can help.
Keep America Beautiful is dedicated to inspiring people to take action every day to beautify their community. According to the organization 90% of Americans agree that litter is a problem in their community. The organization has identified the seven primary sources of roadside litter:
- Pedestrians
- Motorists
- Uncovered truck loads
- Household trash handling and its placement for collection
- Uncovered dumpsters and receptacles
- Commercial loading docks
- Construction and demolition loads
Loose litter and debris are moved by wind and traffic and can be carried by water. It moves until trapped within vegetation or by a drain, curb, building or fence. Once litter has accumulated, people feel less guilty about adding to it, and the problem rapidly grows. That is why we all need to do our part to help reduce litter. Let’s start in Lawrence.
Lawrence is beautiful! Together we can keep it that way.

Contact us
9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511
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Contact us
9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511