- Government
- Services
- Public Safety
- Our City
- Do Business
- How Do I...?
Make suggestions to Mayor Whitfield?
Make a public records request?
Request a Police Incident or Accident Report
File a tort claim?
Find out about trash collection?
Order or replace a trash/recycle toter?
Report a street issue or pothole?
Report a code violation?
Report a safety concern?
Pay a traffic/parking fine?
Apply for a gun permit?
Apply for a Blue Star Banner?
Pay my water/sewer bill?
Resume water service?
Lawrence Advisory Council on Disabilities
Executive Board
- Macy Pohl, President
- Deris Owens, Vice President
- Sarah Tadsen, Communications Chair
- Janette Jackson, City of Lawrence Liaison/Treasurer
- Genevieve Deis and Shelby Peak, Board Members
The Lawrence Advisory Council on Disabilities (LACD) mission is to positively impact the lives of people with disabilities in Lawrence through providing engagement and awareness opportunities in the Lawrence community for people with disabilities, offering community support and resources, and addressing current challenges facing people with disabilities in Lawrence.
The Lawrence Advisory Council on Disabilities (LACD) envisions a community where people with disabilities live, learn, work, and thrive in the community of Lawrence, Indiana.
LACD Priority Areas
- Community and City Events
- Resources and Support
- Responding to Community Needs
When: 2nd Thursday of each month
Time: 2:00pm- Virtual
To join virtual meeting email: lacd@cityoflawrence.org
Questions and Inquiries? Email us here
Connect and follow us on Facebook: facebook.com/LawrenceAdvisoryCouncilOnDisabilities
Employment Empowerment Project

Contact us
9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511
Subscribe for newsletters

Contact us
9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511